How to Find Suitable Floor Sample Board for Your Home?
 Sep 15, 2020|View:1

How to choose the floor sample board? How to choose the floor suitable for family decoration is undoubtedly a "big event", especially the choice of actual wooden floor, which is more troubled by more decoration friends. Facing the flooring market with many kinds and brands, how to choose the floor sample board suitable for your home?

floor sample board

First of all, when investigating the material of the actual tree floor, it is suggested to adjust according to its land. For example, in the climate of Shanghai, Indian eggplant and sunflower are one of the most stable materials. In addition, iron wire, iron camphor tree, heavy yellow sardine are also common materials.

In order to avoid floor cracks and water shrinkage caused by color and price, please do not buy common materials. Next, let's look at the demographic composition of the place of residence. It is suggested that the young family of three should not choose high price solid wood flooring.

For example, young couples choose teak flooring for house renovation. Perhaps it should be said that such a choice is not the best, teak itself is very soft, the price of about 400 yuan / square meter is more than twice that of an ordinary floor, which is really not a small expense, but actually it is not the most suitable product.

Relatively cheap, the hard material index is a good choice. In addition, after determining the flooring suitable for several kinds of materials, compare the quality, reputation, and price of the flooring of various brands in the market, and comprehensively consider the shade of color, luster of coating, specifications, and sizes, and let regular sellers buy solid wood flooring.


For consumers, if it is their own purchase of floor sample board, in order to see the brand at the same time, we must remind the floor manufacturer to bear the installation responsibility.

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