General Molding & Trim Information (4)
 Apr 04, 2023|View:5

Overlap Reducer Molding for Laminate Floor Transitions

        Floating floors can utilize a surface terminator called a reducer. It will reduce the height of the floor from the height of the floating floor to the subfloor level. If you have just half covered room with a floating floor or the floor stops in a doorway are examples where you can use Overlap Reducer molding to finish the job. Proper installation requires a gap which can allow for the required expansion of the floating floor. Overlap reducers have a small protruding piece which overlaps the floating floor and hides the expansion gap, leaving room for free movement of the floating floor.

        To install a Overlap Reducer-Molding, a space needs to be left at the edge the floor hard surface. This molding design relies on a metal track that is nailed or screwed to the floor between the two hard surfaces. The molding is then snapped into place. This method is glueless and makes installing a floating floor quicker since there is no glue drying time. Check the installation guidelines of the manufacture for full details.

        Consult the manufacturer's installation instructions for the best results.

End Cap Molding for Laminate Floor Transitions

        Square Nose Reducers are very similar to Thresholds but have a more squared off edge. Typically used with floating floor, a Square Nose is perfect for butting hard surface floors up against vertical obstacles, where a Quarter Round or Wall Base would be difficult to use to cover an expansion gap like a brick wall, fireplace, sliding glass door, entryway doors. The Square Nose Reducer overlaps the hardwood or laminate floor, hiding the expansion gap with the overlapped portion of the molding.

        Installation of a Square Nose Reducer would involve using construction adhesive to glue the transition piece to the subfloor and/or face nailing the piece to the subfloor using 8 penny finish nails.

        Consult the manufacturer's installation instructions for the best results.

Flush Stair Nose Molding for Wood or Laminate Floors

        With flush stair nose molding the tongue and groove configuration is used to secure the nose to the floor overlay and the stair underlayment. This offers a smooth surface transition between the stair nose and the floor. In ideal situations the wood color is identical for a appealing look and feel. It is dependent on the manufacturer to provide proper complementary stair nose molding. If customized flush molding cannot be found then the installation might need to use overlap molding described below.

        Expansion gap considerations are less important for stair tread placement because the amount of material is small and the expansion slight. Still a mall gap should be allowed where the tread meets the riser. This gap would then be covered by the riser overlay. Overlap stair nose molding can be used in combination with flush molding to accommodate transaction at the top of the stairs, where it would be transitioning from a differing floating floor down to the first step.

        Flush stair nose pieces are installed by construction adhesive the flush stair nose to the subfloor using. In addition, using two 8 penny face nails, nail down the flush stair nose approximately 3 inches. in from each end as well as in the center of the flush stair nose piece. If the stairs are extra long, make sure to face nail two 8 penny finish nails at approximately every 20 inches of the molding.

      Consult the manufacturer's installation instructions for the best results.

Overlap Stair Nose Molding for Wood or Laminate Floors

        Floating applications require a different kind of Stair Nose: one which can allow for the required expansion gap for floating hardwood or laminates. Overlap Stair Noses have a small protruding piece which overlaps the floating floor and hides the expansion gap, leaving room for free movement of the floating floor. As you can't float floor boards on individual stairs, the boards need to be attached to the individual stair surface. Overlap Stair Nose pieces are typically only used at the top of the staircase, where it would be transitioning from a floating floor down to the first step.

        Overlap Stair Nose pieces are installed a lot like Flush Stair Nose pieces. Glue the Overlap Stair Nose to the subfloor using construction adhesive, making sure to leave enough room for the required expansion gap. In addition, using two 8 penny face nails, nail down the Overlap Stair Nose approximately 3 inches in from each end as well as in the center of the Overlap Stair Nose piece.

        If the stairs are extra long, make sure to face nail two 8 penny finish nails at approximately every 20 inches. of the molding. It's important, with Overlap Stair Nose pieces, that you remember to attach the molding to the subfloor and not to the floating floor you're overlapping.

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